Fratelli Beach Bar

Με τοποθεσία στο Νέο Μαρμαρά Χαλκιδικής η καλοκαιρινή περιπέτεια βρίσκει γόνιμο έδαφος στο Fratelli Beach Bar. Premium service, ωραία μουσική με μαγικά κοκτέιλς και νόστιμο φαγητό σχεδιασμένα σε μια εντελώς καλοκαιρινή by the beach λογική!

The Mission

Η αποστολή μας ήταν να καλύψουμε τον χώρο του beach bar αλλά και μια σειρά από καταπληκτικά parties που έγιναν τις περιόδους των καλοκαιριών με φωτογράφιση & drone photography.

Photography • Drone Ops

photo of the sea illuminated by the sunlight
dark photo with a girl wearing black sunglasses and a boy next to her
dark photo with sunset light of two heifers with fire and smoke, and a palm tree behind a beach bar
dark photo of two women standing in their swimsuits in the sea
dark photo of a girl wearing black sunglasses and looking at the side
the straw case that has the menu of the Fratelli Beach Bar
dark photo with the sunset light and a beach umbrella in front of it
A man with DJ headphones on his head is back, wearing a black shirt
side panoramic drone photo showing the sea, the beach bar Fratelli, and the turquoise sea
woman's face looking to the side, her dark hair caught in a multicolored hairpiece
sunset and sea with two people in it cooling off. On the side is a straw umbrella
dark photo with people in a beach bar
dark photo of a girl and two boys on the beach talking
drone photo from above showing the sea, the beach bar Fratelli, people swimming, and the sea
white and black photo with a black boat in the sea and houses in the background
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